Wednesday, May 26, 2010

e-mail catalogue - JUNE 2010


E-mail catalogue-005

Dear customers

We are happy to bring forward our 5th e-mail catalogue showcasing the beautiful Rainbow Moonstone. Rainbow Moonstone has always been our favorite stone and our customers have always loved it too. Rainbow moonstone has a gentle, calming energy. It helps to strengthen intuition and psychic perception, and enhances creativity, compassion, endurance and inner confidence. It is a stone that brings balance and harmony.

I once again remind you of the order form attached with the e-mail catalogue. You can just fill up the quantity and send it to us. Please feel free to add items from our previous catalogues too. You have a wide range of stones available for any design.

Your suggestions and comments are helping us to build our ready jewelry site and stock. Do let us know what all different stones you would like to see in our featured e-mail catalogues. We thank you for that . Please keep writing us. It is definitely very motivating .

We plan to visit this year three beautiful countries of Europe- France , Italy and Switzerland. We are on our Europe visit from 27th May to 7th Of June. If you are near to these countries, please mail us and meet us. We would love to talk to you and understand your business needs further.

Our detailed plan is as following:

27th May to 31st May : Paris

1st June to 3rd June : Milan

4th June to 7th June: Lucern / Zuerich

We look forward to meet and interact with our esteemed customers on this visit.


Ms. Shalu Makhija

For Shaurya International, Jaipur

Friday, April 30, 2010

E-mail catalogue - May 2010



E-mail catalogue-004



Dear Customer


We are happy to bring forward our 4th  newsletter with new designs featuring the sparkling beauty of Green Amethyst.


Your support and enthusiasm greatly contribute to  the success of our e-mail catalogue. So, I would like to highlight:


·        Paypal is nicely co-ordinated now with each shopping cart and you can directly check out the cart selecting “ paypal “ payment option and proceed with the final payment.  You really need not wait to hear from our customer care representative any more!


·        Tibetan Turquoise stone is available again for all earrings designs.  So, now feel free to order your favorite stone for all earrings designs too.


·        You can always order any design in your preferred stones. So, feel free to e-mail us when you want your favorite designs on any shopping cart to be made in some other stones.  We offer the huge variety in Cabochon and cut stones !!


Friends,  we want to hear from you what all designs, categories and items you would like to see in ready jewelry. Please keep suggesting us. We will try our best to make more designs, more lots, more items and new categories in ready jewelry shopping cart as per your directions.


So, lets make buying a great experience at Shaurya International together.





Ms. Shalu Makhija

For Shaurya International, Jaipur



Mail catalogue - April 2010


E-mail catalogue-003


Dear Customer


We are pleased to bring forward our 3rd April 2010 catalogue featuring the eternal beauty of Green Turquoise.  We are presenting here all new designs in Green Turquoise. You can definitely own these designs in your favorite stones.  


The order form is attached with all designs code and prices.


Shaurya International  - New Look..


Apart from our featured new designs , we are pleased to inform you that the new version of our main website is launched at  Do visit for fresh shopping experience.


All previous items and links are well co-ordinated  under “ All products “  page linked in top index  at


Our main two shopping carts have got their new domains .

·        Now you can visit Jaipur silver cart at :

·        Now you can visit silvershop shopping cart at :


Our ready jewelry cart is same at  with lot many new designs, new lots  in ready stock available for immediate delivery.


Do feel free to let us know your suggestions, ideas, complaints and questions any time.


Looking Forward,


Ms. Shalu Makhija

For Shaurya International, Jaipur




E- Mail Catalog MARCH-2010



E-mail catalogue-002


Dear Customer


We thank you for encouraging response to our e-mail catalogue. Its always your support, co-operation and new ideas that make us coming up with new creative designs, better quality and consistent service.


Here, we come with the next part of new designs in Spring collection ’10. An order form is also attached with pictures. Here are the main features of e-mail catalogue ordering:


Main Features:


**Item codes: Each design is identified with item code , weight , price and category.


** Stone Options:  Plenty of stone options available for your favorite designs. You can order stone of your choices with any of the given designs. You can order 2 different stones of your choice in 5 pieces.


** Order Form: Ordering has never been so easy….!! You really need not wait to get your order total from our customer care we are providing you here with order form. Just fill up the quantity and stone preference and you will have your order total ready! Just a one click and your order will move to processing..Send your filled up order form to


( We keep our minimum order quantity as 5 pieces in each design – you  can pick up stones in these 5 pieces)




Check our ready jewelry site at for ready to ship products which are dispatched within 2 working days. The ready jewelry cart is a great way to refill your stock quickly and easily.  We would like to have your feedback on designs and different items you wish to see in ready jewelry cart.


Looking forward to hear from you soon..!!



Ms. Shalu Makhija

For Shaurya International, Jaipur




Shaurya News Letter with spring collection'10



Dear Customer,

We are happy to introduce our first newsletter with spring collection mail catalogue in the year2010. This newsletter intends to bring forward all latest developments in designs, stone , quality and other aspects at Shaurya International. For years, we have been trying to innovate our designs, quality and service with sole aim to satisfy our valued customers worldwide. This newsletter is our humble effort to reach all of you and interact, revive and grow our mutual relationship further.

We welcome your suggestions, complaints, concerns, demands and interaction on this platform.


We hereby, introduce our first e-mail catalogue named Spring collection’10 with new designs. This e-mail catalogue will provide you an opportunity to go through new designs at a glance quickly without going through and searching for relevant web pages. Moreover, you can immediately book part pr complete order in these designs as each design has item code and stone options. Let me elaborate the main features of the spring collection’10

Main Features:

**Item codes: Each design is identified with item code , weight , price and category.

** Stone Options: Plenty of stone options available for your favorite designs. You can let us know your stones for the design right away..!

** Order Form: Ordering has never been so easy….!! You really need not wait to get your order total from our customer care we are providing you here with order form. Just fill up the quantity and stone preference and you will have your order total ready! Just a one click and your order will move to processing..Send your filled up order form to

( We keep our minimum order quantity as 5 pieces in each design – you can pick up stones in these 5 pieces)

** New variety just a click away.. We will come with our new designs every 15 days’ gap so get ready to the beautiful journey of amazing handmade and casting designs !

Kindly keep this mail in your safe sender’s list to avoid it going to junk mails. If you do not wish to receive this newsletter , please click reply or send mail to with subject unsubscribe.

At your service,

Ms. Shalu Makhija

For Shaurya International, Jaipur

Shaurya International - Wholesale Silver jewelry manufacturing and Exports

Welcome to Official blog of Shaurya International. Shaurya is a factory based manufacturing and export company situated in Jaipur India which is the largest hub of handmade gemstones and silver jewelry.

The official site of Shaurya International is . Here you can order latest designs of Handmade, ethnic and traditional wholesale sterling silver 925 Jewelry in modern contemporary designs. Shaurya have over 5000 designs on our site which suits all taste and demand.
Shaurya's automated shopping card catalogs are at these links:
for Ready Silver Jewelry -

Shaurya International has a around 1800 wholesale satisfied customers in almost 48 countries. Our main objective is to be most reliable supplier of jewelry for people worldwide. Reliability comes through constant hard work in supplying best quality, timely shipments, best customer support and consistency in our performance.

So enjoy your visit to this blog and do visit to see our attractive designs.